Not Now, Cancer, I’m Busy – Amazon
In Not Now, Cancer, I’m Busy, Melissa Trevathan-Minnis and Deanne Meeks Brown offer research, resources, and support to help you overcome the psychological trauma of cancer. Sharing their own personal stories, along with insights from other young cancer survivors, these two mental health professionals guide you through the rollercoaster of emotions from diagnosis and treatment to transitioning back to life post-treatment. While the challenges of cancer survivorship are many, so are the coping strategies available to help promote recovery and well-being. Not Now, Cancer, I’m Busy, addresses cancer through the lens of mental health and offers strategies to not only cope with the challenges of cancer, but to build a life full of meaning and intention despite them. From developing a fighting spirit and learning how to slow down, to breaking down barriers to mental health and spiritual growth, this book will help you tap into your personal strengths and resilience. Although a cancer diagnosis in early and midlife can be earth-shattering, the trauma of cancer can actually leave you stronger and better equipped-if you let it.
Dr. Phil Show – The Great School Debate
Chicago Tribune article – “For these kids, school is always out; Method of home schooling allows children to learn by pursuing their interests rather than set curriculum”
March 12, 2006|By Vincent J. Schodolski, Tribune national correspondent. Tribune staff reporter Mary Ann Fergus in Chicago contributed to this report:
Esteem Yourself E-Magazine – Find Your Wonder Woman Within (The Yes Mom Way)
Kris Carr Home of the Crazy Sexy Wellness Revolution – “Music Has Charms to Soothe a Savage Breast
Dirtcakes Literature and Art in (re)spite of – The Mammary Chronicles: Bearing Breasts Tour
Live Big with Ali Vincent Show on The Live Well Network